Too hungry or too Horny
by qctwb
There are two things you said never let yourself get – too hungry or too Horny.
When you do make the mistake of getting too hungry or horny you often make decisions you wouldn’t in an unimpaired state of mind.
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Don’t you judge. We’ve all been here…
The saddest part of this picture is that I thought that man looked really good in the club.
even Natalie Dee understands that overly horniness may result in a passionate encounter with your local hobo…
That hobo looks eerily similar to a man I know…
Anyways, because I am trying to pay attention to my hunger for Intuitive eating purposes I am learning that it can be devastating when I get too hungry. Today I was hungry for dinner by 5pm, but I was still at work and out of snacks.
By the time work was over and I picked Ben up I was an 8 out of 10 on the hunger scale. apparently at that point I get irritated, anxious, angry and typically unpleasant.
When I get too hungry I think things like “Tuna melts with curly fries” seem like a good idea. In a much more sober state I may have chose a healthier choice.
Luckily, I let Ben be the horny hungry one and he purchased this and I only “stole” some. It was remarkable and I don’t regret that night one bite.
Once my hunger was satisfied I was turned on for something even much more enjoyable – ice cream.
I’m out of purchase today, so let me rewind to this morning…
After an easy 4 miles I had a ideal 10 bagel with AB & J, watermelon and an apple-banana.
Lunch was on the lighter side and probably the reason I was too hungry this afternoon.
And even my hearty and filling snack didn’t quiet my hunger. I made a Camiseta Ajax packet of oatmeal (the weight control kind with protein and fiber) topped with greek yogurt.
Instead of a new baggie I added some bell pepper strips to an practically empty carrot bag for crunchy goodness.
Back to my lesson of the day: Don’t let yourself get too hungry or too horny…
The moral of the story is you can make an ass (or get a bigger Camiseta SL Benfica ass) of yourself when you get too hungry or too horny. But, if you still insist on neglecting your body’s needs and let yourself get both, here’s a good snack option: *********************************************
I am seeing the RD again tomorrow and will ask her some questions about how my body has been reacting to hunger. As I discussed after my last appointment, my project was to keep track of my Hunger, Fullness and complete satisfaction throughout the day. I started strong, but got a little too busy to keep up with it as much as I wanted.
I did learn a lot about how often I get hungry – and it’s not nearly as often as I think about food! Also, it was really really hard for me to figure out how hungry I was on a scale of 1 to 10. You think that would be easy, but it really wasn’t. I think I need to keep working on this.
In other news, I have completely put my personal training certification on the back burner ? But, the other day Ben glanced at the ACE pile of flash cards (that were still in the wrapper) and saw this question on the top of one…
It’s only best that I give you the official answer too…
Question of the day: have you ever eaten anything regretful in a hunger fit?
Have you ever killed anybody because you were too hungry?
On second thought, don’t answer that last one unless it’s anonymous.
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⚡ by shareaholic
There are two things you said never let yourself get – too hungry or too Horny. When you do make the mistake of getting too hungry or horny you often make decisions you wouldn’t in an unimpaired state of mind. MY newest VIDEOS Marathon training Day 3 Marathon training Day 3 More Videos 0 seconds…
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