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Hello! I spend a lot of time on the Internet looking at running blogs and race sites and A lot of food pictures and all that typical stuff. and when I spot a ‘new-to-me’ piece of running gear I stop my scrolling and Camiseta Selección de fútbol de Arabia Saudita check it out. this week…
Read MoreFirst… I couldn’t stay up for SNL because I Camiseta FC Tokyo woke up at 3am for a lil half marathon Saturday. So I just caught up with the opening song Kate McKinnon singing Hallelujah. It’s beautiful. check it out if you haven’t yet. I read the words to the song and it got my…
Read Morepleased Friday good friends Are you thrilled for the weekend? I’m kinda anxious about the race this Sunday, however I’m trying to distract myself. Luckily, the gardeners are trying to cut down an entire forest best outside my door so I can’t hear myself think. Thanks. MY newest VIDEOS Travel Jane Review Travel Jane…
Read Morebesides the Blogher sessions were over Kath as well as I headed out for a walk.I put on my RER tee shirt to represent. I indicated to wear it on Friday, however was as well embarrassed. It was stunning as well as Seaport village was packed with people! MY most current VIDEOS 4 minute lower…
Read MoreI’m heeeere! A group of us shared a limo to the hotel. considering that there were five of us it was the exact same cost as a taxi. Nice. MY most current VIDEOS Jessica Simpson memoir – open book review Review of Jessica Simpson’s new book – open Book. The singer as well as entrepreneur…
Read Moreexactly how I lost 10 pounds… in video type since I believed it’s much easier to describe myself. as well as since I’m your peep, bullet points are below for a quick checked out if you’re at your location of employment. MY most current VIDEOS I got A Covid-19 Test Getting a Coronavirus test –…
Read Moreremember how Brooks Running sent me a huge 8lb. chocolate egg a while back? God bless them. Well, the fun deliveries continue and I got this pack of “Runaroni” in the mail recently. Running and carbs (like this pasta) go hand and hand, right? MY newest VIDEOS American dirt book review American dirt book review…
Read More“Hi, My name is Monica as well as I’m a carbaholic. I hit rock bottom when I ate a cheese bagel, cereal as well as 5 gallons of iced coffee in one day. now I’m just trying to take it someday at a time.” (You): “Hi Monica.” Today I put rice on my salad as…
Read MoreHello! Today was my very first full day in Israel as well as I’m back in the space for a few minutes before dinner so I believed I’d inspect in as well as let you understand what’s going on over here… I got up early as well as did a couple miles on the treadmill…
Read MoreHello!! delighted December! I have the POTM winners from the last two weeks of the difficulty to announce. Sorry for the delay – considering that I was out of town for Thanksgiving I fell behind on some blog work. So without additionally adieu right here is the stack on the Miles 2016 Grand Finale!!! First…
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