Sipping On the Carbahol part II
by qctwb
“Hi, My name is Monica as well as I’m a carbaholic. I hit rock bottom when I ate a cheese bagel, cereal as well as 5 gallons of iced coffee in one day. now I’m just trying to take it someday at a time.”
(You): “Hi Monica.”
Today I put rice on my salad as well as I understood I needed to talk with someone. I thought about ending it all, or at least ending the rest of my Cinnamon burst Cheerios, however I chose to be strong.
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Actually that’s a lie – that rice on my salad was a brilliant idea. You ought to do it. Unless this makes me a carb dealer. Peer pressure is a B.
I mixed it with spray butter as well as salt. If that is wrong, I don’t wanna be right.
I had a task interview this afternoon as well as then went on a wild goose chase trying to find a package. No it wasn’t a bundle of carbs, I’m trying to get off the stuff.
But, I did come house to tortilla soup with avocado as well as a huge bowl of popcorn. This is what occurs when you stop by Target when you’re hungry. The Siren’s tune of those buttery corn kernels Camiseta US Sassuolo is as well much for me to resist. At least I made my own.
Around 8pm Ben randomly called as well as needed a trip house from work. Today was weird.
Anyways, he hadn’t eaten as well as obviously is not in the company of eating popcorn as well as soup for dinner (his loss) so we went with a generic burger drive through.
I drank the kool-aid ate the fries.
He states this is the very best burger he’s had in years, or because last Tuesday. exact same deal.
I tried to pry myself away from his fries with a Vitatop. It’s like I always say, “Don’t stop till you Vitatop!”
I don’t understand what’s worse for my health and wellness – the truth that my diet plan is 80% carbs or Camiseta Tottenham Hotspur all these cheesy jokes…
At least carbs aren’t full of saturated fats. Ba dum bump.
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⚡ by shareaholic
“Hi, My name is Monica as well as I’m a carbaholic. I hit rock bottom when I ate a cheese bagel, cereal as well as 5 gallons of iced coffee in one day. now I’m just trying to take it someday at a time.” (You): “Hi Monica.” Today I put rice on my salad as…
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