ABC to vote on Unified rules of Kickboxing
by qctwb
update July 26, 2017 – As reported by Kirik Jenness, these rules have been embraced by unanimous vote.
This week the association of Boxing Commissions as well as Combative sports are having their annual convention held at the Mohegan sun Casino.
Among the noteworthy program products is a vote on a set of unified rules for kickboxing. Much like the ABC has done by setting unified rules for expert Mixed Martial Arts as well as Boxing, the group is hoping to come to contract on a template set of rules for kickboxing which is presently suffering from a scattered ruleset.
While ABC ‘unified rules’ are not binding many jurisdictions defer to the ruleset as well as others carefully design what the ABC Camiseta Club Tijuana agrees on.
In addition to voting on these rules the ABC is hoping to produce an official records database for results modeled after the Boxrec model.
The vote takes location Wednesday as well as the draft rules checked out as follows:
1. Bouts may consist of a maximum of ten (10) rounds of three (3) minutes each in duration,
with a minimum of one (1) minute rest period between each round.
2. The referee and/or the ringside doctor are the only individuals authorized to stop the contest, as determined by the presiding commission. This rule shall not preclude a video or other evaluation of a decision under the procedures of the Camiseta Selección de fútbol de Serbia applicable regulatory authority if a demonstration is filed declaring a remove rule violation.
3. All bouts are evaluated as well as scored by three (3) judges.
4. Scoring:
A. The 10 point must System will be the common system of scoring a bout. Under the 10
Point must scoring System, 10 points must be awarded to the champion of the round.
B. The competitor who has lost the round may be awarded 9, 8, or 7 points.
C. If the round is determined to be an even round, a score of 10/10 may be awarded.
D. Partial or incomplete rounds will be scored. If no considerable action has occurred, the
round shall be scored as an even round. This is at the discretion of the judges.
Scoring Criteria:
Bouts will be evaluated utilizing the complying with prioritized criteria;
1. number of Knockdowns.
2. Cumulative efficient effect on the Opponent.
3. number of clean scoring Strikes
4. sound Generalship or Aggressiveness
5. In the event of a knockdown the referee shall send the standing competitor to a neutral corner as well as administer a Mandatory eight (8) count to the downed fighter.
A knockdown is defined as when a competitor touches the mat with anything other than the souls of their feet as the result of a legal, damaging strike – or is in a defenseless setting grabbing the opponent, or hanging on or over the ropes. The referee will have sole discretion in determining a knockdown versus a slip.
If a competitor goes down from what the referee indicates is a “slip” however stops working to increase after the
referee’s repeated commands, the referee will initiate a count, as well as comply with the procedures of a knockdown. If the competitor does not increase at the count of 10, it will be thought about a TKO.
If a competitor injures him/herself as well as then stops working to intelligently protect him/herself by turning their back on the opponent, the referee may, in the appropriate exercise of their discretion either treat the injury the exact same as one created by a fair strike from the opponent as well as comply with the procedures for a knockdown, or terminate the bout as well as state the opponent champion by TKO.
6. The three (3) Knockdown rule is in impact only where a competitor has been knocked down 3
times in the exact same round by strikes/kicks to the head. In this event, this competitor shall be
determined to have lost the bout by technical KNOCKOUT.
7. There is NO Standing eight (8) Count.
8. A competitor who has been knocked down CANNOT be saved by the bell in any type of round, including
the final round.
9. All fighters are needed to wear a mouthpiece during any type of contest. No round can begin
without the mouthpieces in place. If any type of mouthpiece becomes dislodged during the contest, the referee shall phone call time as well as have the mouthpiece rinsed as well as put back in the fighter’s mouth at the very first opportune moment, without interfering with the action. The referee may deduct points if he/she feels the mouthpiece is being deliberately dislodged.
10. A competitor shall get a 20 second count if the competitor is knocked out of the sound as well as onto the floor. The competitor shall NOT be assisted by anyone, including spectators or his seconds. If the competitor is assisted, he may be deducted points, or disqualified, at the sole discretion of the referee. If Camiseta Leeds United the competitor falls or is thrown from the sound the referee shall “stop time”, enable the competitor to return, seek the councilnullnull
update July 26, 2017 – As reported by Kirik Jenness, these rules have been embraced by unanimous vote. __________________________________ This week the association of Boxing Commissions as well as Combative sports are having their annual convention held at the Mohegan sun Casino. Among the noteworthy program products is a vote on a set of unified…
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