Laser Hair removal results and review
by qctwb
I mentioned last week that I just finished a series of laser hair removal. I wanted to share my results and thoughts because I have gotten very different results from all the other reviews I’ve read online.
I bought a series of 6 treatments on 2 areas from Groupon. I went to a very well reviewed and respectable medspa. I was very happy with the service and staff. I don’t think my results have anything to do with the location. My two areas for laser hair removal treatment were under arms and bikini area.
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The procedure: You go in and have the option to use numbing cream. The first time I did it I didn’t use the numbing cream and was fine. The second time it hurt so I got it for treatment sessions # Camiseta Atletico Mineiro 3, 4 and 5.
If you choose the numbing cream you have to be there a half an hour early to let it set.
For the actual procedure you wear protective glasses. The nurse moves the laser wand in a line across the treatment area. You might feel a small snap or burn. At first it was very mild for me. but the last treatment (due to a mix up with my appt time) I didn’t do the numbing cream and IT hurt SOOOO BAD. My eyes were watering from the pain. It felt like I was being slowly burned across my skin.
You get naked or at least remove clothing from the areas you are getting treatment. My place had a paper skirt to wear and they lower the chair so you’re laying down.
This is the magic laser machine:
The hair removal process: You get treatment every 4-6 weeks or so because that is the hair growth cycle. I guess it’s something like there are multiple hair follicles in one area and they want to kill all of them. So you go in every 4-6 weeks to hit all the bases.
While the treatment did hurt it didn’t really leave any marks. I was a little red right away after but it goes away fairly fast.
The results: It didn’t work on me the best candidate for laser hair removal is someone with light skin and dark hair because the laser somehow gets to the hair follicle through the skin and can ‘see’ it better with that contrast. My hair is very light. While most people’s eyebrows or arm hair or whathaveyou is darker than the hair on their head, the hair on my body is lighter. So the spa told me this might not work 100%, but they were still confident I would get good results (just not perfect).
Well, I probably have a 30% reduction in hair, but I still need to get waxed or shave. It’s mostly frustrating because the procedure was so uncomfortable the last time. All that pain for nothing! Boo.
But, I have talked to other people who have said it worked pretty good for them or Camiseta TSG 1899 Hoffenheim ate least removed about 70% of their hair.
I feel like doctor’s offices are always cold so I bought socks to put on while getting treatment.
I think the Groupon was a terrific deal. check it out first.
I think 6 sessions is the minimum. buy at least that many.
Skip it if you have blonde or strawberry blonde hair on your body.
Question: have you done something like this? how did it work for you?
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⚡ by shareaholic
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